Les 2 départements BioIngénierie (BI) et Méthodes pour l’Ingénierie des Système (MIS) d’Ampère vous proposent de venir écouter Luca Di Rienzo, Professeur à Milan, qui donnera un séminaire le vendredi 24 juin à 14h30, UCBL, Bât. Omega, 3ème étage, salle de l’UFR "GEP" .
Contact : Riccardo Scorretti
Résumé :
As the demand for power monitoring and protection increases, current measurement techniques must be faster, more accurate and of wider measuring range both in frequency and in amplitude. To this aim, magnetic sensors arrays have been proposed [1‐8] and measurement models both in time and in frequency domain have been used, taking into account eddy currents.
Major limitations of this current sensing technique are related to magnetic sensors noise and to external magnetic fields, two factors affecting the accuracy of the current transducer. In order to mitigate the effects of the external magnetic fields, spatial harmonic expansion has been implemented. Furthermore, in order to reduce the effects of sensors noise, sensor positions and orientations have been optimized according to D‐optimality criterion and with the help of the particle swarm optimization technique. The robustness to the uncertainty in sensor positioning has also been investigated.
Auteur de la présentation :
Luca Di Rienzo received the M. S. degree (cum laude) and the Ph. D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, in 1996 and 2001 respectively. From November 2000 to December 2004 he was research assistant with the Department of Electrical Engineering of Politecnico di Milano. Since 2005 he has been an assistant professor with the same department, where he teaches basic circuit theory. His research activity is in computational electromagnetics and at present the fields of interest are magnetic Inverse Problems, the Boundary Element Method, Surface Impedance Boundary Conditions, and Multiconductor Transmission Lines.