Gabriel de CARVALHO defended his PhD on Nov. 29th, 2024.
Place : amphitheatre Marc Seguin at INSA Lyon, 27 Av. Jean Capelle O, 69100 Villeurbanne
Jury :
Rapporteurs :
M. Jean-Charles MARE, Professeur des Universités, INSA Toulouse
M. Victor DE NEGRI, Professeur des Universités, UFSC Brésil, LASHIP/EMC
Examinateur :
M. Guillaume SANDOU, Professeur des Universités, CentraleSupélec, L2S
Encadrement :
M. Eric BIDEAUX, Professeur des Universités, Ampère INSA Lyon, directeur de thèse
M. Paolo MASSIONI, Maître de Conférences, Ampère INSA Lyon, co-encadrant
Mme. Sylvie SESMAT, Dr. Ingénieure de Recherche, Ampère INSA Lyon, co-encadrante
Abstract :
At the design stage, product engineers try to find the perfect balance between the physical parameters of the components and the performance required to properly design a system. It is therefore very important to understand how the choice of physical parameters at the design stage will impact the dynamic behavior of the final product. The problem requires skills in modeling complex multi-physics systems and control theory. This work investigates the air bleed system of aircraft in collaboration with Liebherr Aerospace Toulouse. Although the structure of each valve and the arrangement of valves in the air bleed system are well known, the parameters that critically impact performance are difficult to identify. Due to the complexity of the model required to reproduce the behavior of valves, its non-linearity and the high degree of coupling between parameters, existing tools quickly show their limits. That is why the aim of the work presented in this thesis is to propose a new methodology that closely addresses the dynamic aspects of these valves from the design stage and provides a relevant evaluation of their dynamic performance in relation to the design requirements. This new methodology is presented and described from its theoretical concepts to its application to practical problems; it is based on a specific modeling step followed by a numerically solved stability condition, which is formulated as a constrained optimization based on linear matrix inequalities (LMI). The main originality of this work is based on the use of optimization tools to find, not an optimal parameter value, but the admissible ranges for a set of parameters which guarantees the required dynamic behavior. First, the air bleed system is presented and emphasis is placed on each valve that makes it up. On the basis of a set of hypotheses, a simulation model as well as a reduced order nonlinear model of the system is proposed, it is then validated thanks to a vast experimental campaign. The proposed methodology is firstly introduced in a case where the system state matrix depends linearly on the design parameters. Then, an extension to generic nonlinear models is proposed. This methodology is applied to several examples linked to the design of the different valves of the air bleed system, thus making it possible to validate the approach and evaluate the influence of these design parameters on the dynamic performance of the air bleed system. Of course, this approach is applicable to other industrial systems, demonstrating the broader applicability and originality of this work.
System design, Modeling, Control, LMI, Optimization, Aeronautics, Pneumatics