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IEEE CASE21 : Workshop "Cybersecurity in Industrial Control Systems with an automation perspective: advances in academia and industry"

par Laurent Krähenbühl - publié le , mis à jour le

WS4: Cybersecurity in Industrial Control Systems with an automation perspective: advances in academia and industry

Organizers: Eric Zamai, Cédric Escudero

Date : Aug 23, Full Day

Abstract : Since the beginning of the century, Industrial Control Systems (ICSs) have received a lot of attention in academics and industry. Indeed, the integration of information and communication technology in the control of physical systems is commonly admitted as a requirement to improve the performance of industrial plants, i.e. access to operational data and reconfiguration capabilities of the control system. Nevertheless, this integration has increased the vulnerability of such systems. The controllers, sensors and actuators are nowadays embedded in computer-based systems, and legacy communication systems have been progressively replaced by network-based systems. So, ICSs are now exposed to cyberattacks leveraging the access to operational data and the reconfiguration capabilities of the controllers in order to alter the behavior of the physical system. Well-known cyberattacks examples are the Stuxnet malware on a uranium enrichment plant in 2010, the Crash Override malware on the Ukrainian power grid in 2015, the Triton malware on a petrochemical facility in 2018, and recently on water treatment systems in Israel and in USA.

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