Arnaud Lelevé defended his HDR on October, the 9th, 2019 at "délégation régionale CNRS".
Title :
Study and Development of Haptic Tools for Hands-on Training
Jury :
Reviewers :
Mr Pierre Boulanger - Professor at University of Alberta, Canada
Mrs Nadine Piat - Professor at Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et des Microtechniques
Mr Jérôme Szewczyk - Professor at Sorbonne Université Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Other jury members :
Mr. Bernhard Maschke - Professor at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Mr Minh Tu Pham - Associate Professor at Université de Lyon, INSA Lyon
Mr Philippe Poignet - Professor à l’Université de Montpellier
Mr Tanneguy Redarce - Professor à l’Université de Lyon, INSA Lyon
Mr Daniel Sidobre - Associate Professor at Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier
Abstract :
My research topic is the study and design of haptic tools for hands-on training.
During the first part (2001-2010) of my career as Associate Professor at INSA Lyon, I studied it in terms of computer based solutions : more exactly through E-Learning.
Two approaches have been developed :
Design of a computer based tool [ELab Management System] to manage a flotilla of training apparatuses (used locally or at distance, and featuring common components : sensors, electric motors, PID controllers, ...) and facilitate the exchange of information with classical software such as Learning Management Systems (LMS) PhD Benmohamed 2007 ;
SysML Modeling of a computer based tool [configurator] which facilitates the design of pedagogical (paper and electronic) content [Authoring tool] for laboratories on complex automated production systems, and its configuration PhD Arnous 2011.
Since 2011, my approach is on the mechatronics side. On my arrival in the Robotics team of Ampere research laboratory, I participated to researches on the teleoperation of pneumatic actuators, which allowed me to develop skills on pneumatic system control. I created a research topic about dual-user training systems (haptic simulation tools including at the same time a trainer and a trainee with the same tool for a common task). A first PhD (Fei Liu) defended his work on this topic in 2016. I currently supervise a second PhD student (Angel Licona) who extended Fei Liu’s works to n degrees of freedom and haptic devices with different kinematics. I participate with my colleague Richard Moreau to a research concerning the design of training simulators in the medical domain. We design new control laws simultaneously controlling both electric and pneumatic actuators for epidural needle insertion simulation (PhD Thibault Senac). I also participate, to a lesser extent, to works on birth simulation (PhD Nicolas Herzig 2016) and needle insertion under ultrasonography (current PhD of Maria de Los Angeles Alamilla Daniel).
Recently, my research activity has extended toward farming robotics : I am leader of the Greenshield (2017-21) project which aims at proposing a robotized solution to replace pesticides in the crops by means of hyperspectral analysis and laser based pest destruction.
Voir en ligne : Publications d’A. Lelevé