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19/12/2023 - Mian Mohammad Arsalan ASIF

par Arnaud Lelevé, Laurent Krähenbühl - publié le , mis à jour le

Mian Mohammad Arsalan ASIF a soutenu sa thèse le 19/12/2023. Lieu : Amphithéatre AE2, Bâtiment Gustave Ferrié, INSA-Lyon
Electrochemical Virtual Sensor Development for Lithium-ion Batteries.

Jury :
Rapporteurs :
- M. Rafael VAZQUEZ VALENZUELA, Professeur, Universidad de Sevilla
- M. Florent DI MEGLIO, Maître-Assistant HdR, Mines Paris PSL

Examinateurs :
- Mme. Catherine CADET, Maître de Conférences HdR, Grenoble INP – UJF
- M. Olivier SENAME, Professeur des Universités, INP – UGA

Encadrement :
- M. Eric BIDEAUX, Professeur des Universités
- M. Federico BRIBIESCA ARGOMEDO, Maître de Conférences

Résumé :
In this doctoral thesis, the author focuses on advancing the modeling and design of observers for lithium-ion batteries (LiBs). LiBs play a critical role in the transition to renewable energy and vehicle electrification, but they still present challenges in terms of performance, safety and management. The author develops a multi-particle model with electrolyte dynamics (MPMe) to better represent the behavior of LiBs. Additionally, state observers are designed to estimate the lithium concentration in the electrolyte and the solid lithium concentration. These observers are validated using simulations, demonstrating their effectiveness in real-time monitoring of LiBs. This research aims to improve the performance, safety and reliability of LiBs, thereby contributing to wider adoption of electric vehicles and sustainable electrification of the transport sector.

Mots-clés : batterie Li-ion, systèmes de contrôle, observateurs d’état